
American Men with No Glasses

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48 Boise, Idaho, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 41
Eye wear:
Tรดi ฤ‘แป™c lแบญp, mแป™t ngฦฐแปi cรณ tแบงm nhรฌn vร  rแบฅt nhiแปu con ngฦฐแปi cแปงa tรดi. Tรดi lร  mแป™t bแบฃn gแป‘c thแปฑc sแปฑ. Tรดi lร  mแป™t nam alpha tแบญp trung, cรณ cฤƒn cแปฉ, ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc ฤ‘iแปu chแป‰nh tแป‘t. Tรดi dแบซn ฤ‘แบงu vร  tรดi khรดng theo sau. Tรดi khรดng thรญch bแป‹ kiแปƒm soรกt bแปŸi bแบฅt cแปฉ ai. Tรดi nรณi lรชn suy nghฤฉ cแปงa mรฌnh vร  tรดi nรณi nhแปฏng gรฌ tรดi muแป‘n nรณi. Nhฦฐng ฤ‘แป“ng thแปi, tรดi rแบฅt dแป… hรฒa ฤ‘แป“ng vร  tรดi gแบงn nhฦฐ khรดng bao giแป tแปฉc giแบญn vแป bแบฅt cแปฉ ฤ‘iแปu gรฌ. Tรดi cลฉng cรณ sแปฑ kแบฟt hแปฃp bแบฅt thฦฐแปng cแปงa mแป™t bแป™ รณc khoa hแปc vร  kแปน thuแบญt cรนng vแป›i mแป™t thiรชn hฦฐแป›ng mแบกnh mแบฝ vแป รขm nhแบกc vร  nghแป‡ thuแบญt. Tรดi cลฉng lร  mแป™t ngฦฐแปi rแบฅt trแปฑc quan vร  tรขm linh. Tรดi cรณ bแบฑng vแป Nhร  hรกt vร  phim แบฃnh vร  mแป™t Cแปญ nhรขn Hรณa hแปc khรกc vร  mแป™t chuyรชn ngร nh Sinh hแปc. Gแบงn ฤ‘รขy tรดi ฤ‘รฃ tham dแปฑ mแป™t chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh y khoa tแป‘t nghiแป‡p nhฦฐng tรดi ฤ‘ang nghแป‰ hแปc. Vรขng, tรดi lร  mแป™t ngฦฐแปi Mแปน, nhฦฐng tรดi lร  mแป™t ngฦฐแปi Mแปน trung bรฌnh nhฦฐ bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ tฦฐแปŸng tฦฐแปฃng. Tรดi khรดng phแบฃi lร  mแป™t con bฦฐแป›m xรฃ hแป™i vร  tรดi nghฤฉ cho chรญnh mรฌnh. Tแบกi trung tรขm cแปงa ngฦฐแปi tรดi thแปฑc sแปฑ lร  mแป™t Huyแปn bรญ khiรชm tแป‘n vร  mแป™t nhร  lรฃnh ฤ‘แบกo chรญnh trแปฑc. Tรดi lร  mแป™t ngฦฐแปi rแบฅt sรขu sแบฏc vร  sรขu sแบฏc, cแบฃ vแป trรญ tuแป‡, tinh thแบงn vร  cแบฃm xรบc. Tรดi cรณ thแปƒ hiแปƒu bแบฅt cแปฉ ai. Bแบฅt cแปฉ ai biแบฟt tรดi mแป™t chรบt hoแบทc rแบฅt tแป‘t, tแบฅt cแบฃ ฤ‘แปu ฤ‘แป“ng รฝ rแบฑng tรดi lร  mแป™t ngฦฐแปi rแบฅt thแบณng thแบฏn vร  mแป™t tรขm hแป“n cแปฑc kแปณ trung thแปฑc. Bแบฅt cแปฉ ai thฦฐแปng gแบทp tรดi ฤ‘แปu cแบฃm thแบฅy cรณ thแปƒ tin tฦฐแปŸng tรดi ngay lแบญp tแปฉc vร  cรณ thแปƒ cแบฃm thแบฅy an toร n vแป›i tรดi. Tรดi rแบฅt trung thร nh vแป›i nhแปฏng ngฦฐแปi bแบกn thแบญt sแปฑ vร  bแบฅt kแปณ ai cลฉng cho tรดi sแปฑ tรดn trแปng thแปฑc sแปฑ. Tรดi khรดng tรดn trแปng hoแบทc thรญch hแบงu hแบฟt phแปฅ nแปฏ Mแปน vรฌ hแป ฤ‘รฃ phรก hแปงy sแปฑ nแปฏ tรญnh vร  mลฉ trรนm phแปฅ nแปฏ cแปงa hแป. Hแบงu hแบฟt khรดng biแบฟt, khรดng ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc chuแบฉn bแป‹ hoแบทc khรดng cรณ hแปฉng thรบ lร m Mแบน. Ngoร i ra, hแบงu hแบฟt phแปฅ nแปฏ Mแปน khรดng biแบฟt cรกch tรดn trแปng ฤ‘ร n รดng - hแป quan tรขm nhiแปu hฦกn ฤ‘แบฟn viแป‡c ฤ‘รกnh bแบกi vร  chiแบฟn ฤ‘แบฅu vแป›i ฤ‘ร n รดng vร  cแป‘ gแบฏng trแปŸ thร nh ฤ‘ร n รดng, sau ฤ‘รณ trแปŸ thร nh phแปฅ nแปฏ mร  Chรบa tแบกo ra hแป. Thร nh thแบญt mร  nรณi, bแบกn sแบฝ khรณ tรฌm ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc mแป™t ngฦฐแปi ฤ‘ร n รดng khรกc cรณ tรขm hแป“n hoร n thiแป‡n, tiแบฟn hรณa hฦกn tรดi. Nรณi cรกch khรกc, bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ khรดng tรฌm thแบฅy mแป™t ngฦฐแปi ฤ‘ร n รดng khรกc nhฦฐ tรดi. Ngoร i ra tรดi cรณ mรณn quร  hay gรกnh nแบทng ฤ‘แบนp ฤ‘แบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc sinh ra cรนng ngร y vแป›i Vua David cแปงa Israel. Tรดi cลฉng viแบฟt thฦก vร  truyแป‡n ngแบฏn, chฦกi guitar, mandolin, ฤ‘ร n hแบกc, bass, trแป‘ng vร  bร n phรญm vร  tรดi sรกng tรกc nhแบกc. Tรดi cลฉng ฤ‘รฃ hแปc Yoga vร  Vรต thuแบญt trong nhiแปu nฤƒm. Tรดi cลฉng nรณi ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc tiแบฟng Do Thรกi, tiแบฟng Phรกp, tiแบฟng Tรขy Ban Nha vร  tiแบฟng Trung Quแป‘c. Tรดi cลฉng hiแปƒu tiแบฟng แบข Rแบญp. ฤiแปu quan trแปng nhแบฅt lร  hรฃy lร  chรญnh mรฌnh vร  ฤ‘รบng vแป›i chรญnh mรฌnh vร  ฤ‘รณ lร  mแป™t trong nhแปฏng ฤ‘iแปu mร  tรดi ฤ‘รฃ lร m thร nh cรดng.
43 Chicago, Illinois, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 33
Eye wear:
Short Version: Just a fun loving, ambitious guy looking for a fun loving, ambitious girl to conquer the world with. It'd be great if she had her own minions, as my supply is running a bit low (I've got more on back order, but you know how it is with Home Despot.....). Long version: I wear more hats than Bartholomew Cubbins. Fitness and healthy eating are very important. I lift 4-5 days a week, with some HIIT cardio mixed in here and there. I eat Keto day-to-day, but have no problem splurging. I'm a construction engineer. I manage large, complex road and bridge projects. I love making you late for work. I cook. Ask me about my awesome dinner parties. Specialty: Plum Braised Lamb. I'm handy. I did about 50% of my condo renovations myself. I'm currently on the lookout for a house to tackle, shooting for near 100% myself. I'll probably leave the gas lines to an expert. I make wine, beer, whiskey, and everything in between. Don't tell the ATF about the whiskey. My specialty is mead (alcohol fermented from honey). My greatest achievement is a 20% Russian Imperial Stout. In Soviet Russia, beer drinks you! I volunteer, mostly military charities. Wounded Warriors, Soldier's Angels, etc. I'm a beekeeper. Don't worry though. My bees have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. They won't sting you, but they will pray for your salvation. I'm not from Chicago, and my family is pretty far flung. We're pretty tight knit, so I travel a couple times a year to go visit them. Visiting other places is great, don't get me wrong, but as a single guy family is better. I do have my list of places I want to visit, I just need someone to go with me. I dance badly. Really, really badly. There are UN Resolutions against my dancing, but that doesn't stop me. I'm a bibliophile. My house will always have a lending library. I actually own a bar code scanner explicitly for this purpose. I rescue animals. Sometimes from burning buildings, but mostly from shelters. Disclaimer: House, wife, 2.5 (step?)kids, dog, white picket fence, etc, etc. That's the goal. I'm looking to "date with purpose", not for fun. ~If you're not in it for love; If you're not, willin' to give it all you got; If you're not in it for life; If you're not in it for love..... Let me make it clear, to you my dear.... If you're not in it for love, I'm outta here!~ (Shania Twain)
33 Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 28
Eye wear:
First and foremost I am a religious christian individual and is a core aspect of my life. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is what has shaped me into the man I am today. I hope that it can be a consideration as well if a serious relationship is wanted. Of course I won't force the issue, everyone is free to choose who and what they worship. I have little dating experience as I have a really small social circle due to my own personality and work schedule. I am a frugal person and tend to not waste my money on things that are not needed but I am not against spending for rest and relaxation. I have no debt. I consider myself a fair and honest man who is looking forward to starting a family. I am a man of traditional moral values. I have never been with a woman as I don't believe in physical relations before marriage. Family is very important to me and I think that children do best when both parents are involved in their physical, emotional and spiritual upbringing. Raising, educating and caring for children is both parents responsibility. I believe in treating women fairly and with respect. I hope I am treated the same. I do not like to argue nor create contention. I will do my best to make concessions and compromise on a lot of decisons being discussed but know, I will be stubborn in some instances. Those times I will explain why I feel the way I do. I have no problem following traditions of your family. I like nature and the night sky. Reading and education are important to me. Ask me questions if you want to know more about me.

